Program Committee Vote: Details

The e-Health 2024 Program Committee put forward many excellent suggestions for plenary and keynote speakers and topics for the upcoming conference. Please cast your vote to help narrow down the options. Select any topic from the list below for details. Submit your choices by completing the voting form by end of day Monday, November 13. Thank you for your input.

BC Regional Updates

  • Shannon Malovec (PHSA) highlighting digital health in BC, where we are headed, and the excellent work and interoperability plans underway
  • Doctors of BC leading a panel with physician EMR notes being shared
  • Health Gateway BC presenting provincial platform under development
  • UBC Health and BC Health Systems Partnership presenting Breathe and Weave: Talking Across Silos to Enable Health System Improvement. The event brought together people (public patient groups, HA Leaders, and Provincial Health Leaders) from diverse roles, sectors, and regions across British Columbia to discuss shared priorities for improving BC’s health system and how working together could be better enabled across the system. Demonstrating the empowerment of the public/patients to digitally share what they need and dream of in their healthcare system

Pan-Canada Update

  • Kevin Jones (Strata Health) and Elizabeth Keller (AWS) leading a panel of provincial leaders with CHIEF Executive Forum working group leads or updates about provincial plans to highlight how each province is advancing. Share the digital map of Canada and strategies
  • Drs. Tania Tajirian and Gillian Strudwick, CAMH. How they transform in the digital space and what their clinical leadership does and means
  • Damian Jankowicz, EVP, Chief Information & AI Officer at Unity Health

Pan-Canadian Digital Health Data Initiatives: Data modernization at PHAC

  • Opportunity for Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Health Canada (HC) executives and other health data partners

International Perspectives

Healthcare Human Resources

  • What physicians and healthcare providers need to make their jobs easier and manage physician burnout, technology, the administrative burden of ehealth and the impact on human resources (keynote or panel)
  • Dr. Eric Topol, Executive VP, Scripps Research; Professor, Molecular Medicine, Scripps Research; Director & Founder, Scripps Research Translational Institute; Senior Consultant, Scripps Clinic, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases; Department of Molecular Medicine. He authored three bestseller books on the future of medicine: The Creative Destruction of Medicine, The Patient Will See You Now, and Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again
  • Leigh Chapman, Chief Nursing Officer for Canada, to share the vision around health resources and the path towards digital technologies

Patient Experience - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) with experience in Digital Health

  • Ika Washington, Health & Social Development Consultant, Diversity Talk
  • Gwenna Kadima, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant
  • Laura Williams, MSW, RSW, CHE, Senior Director, Patient Experience, University Health Network
  • Dr. Andrew Boozary, Executive Director – Social Medicine and Population Health, University Health Network. Spoke at the Canada Health Infoway Partnership Conference 2019. Focuses on population health and social determinants of health like food and housing
  • Mustimuhw Information Solutions EMR for BC First Nation Communities. The only Indigenous-run community electronic health record
  • Brittany Deeter, Rural and Remote Care from First Nations Health Authority in BC
  • Dr. Francis Lau, Professor Emeritus (Retired), University of Victoria. Indigenous data sovereignty, data governance, culturally-relevant consent protocols, patient co-design, interoperability of AI, capturing social determinants of health in EMRs, trans-inclusive data standards i.e., non-binary gender markers in data collection, in EMRs or other
  • Dr. Notisha Massaquoi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Health and Society, University of Toronto Scarborough and Black Health Equity Lab (BHEL)
  • Dr. Alika Lafontaine, past president, Canadian Medical Association

AI in Health/Public Health Data

  • Opportunity to showcase the possibilities and accountabilities needed in this space and talk about security
  • Dr. Khaled El Emam,Canada Research Chair in Medical AI, University of Ottawa; Co-founder and CEO of Replica Analytics. Well known leading-edge thinker in AI and health data analytics. This angle would be about innovation from an AI and data use perspective and how to manage and understand the privacy considerations
  • Dr. Demis Hassabi – Following his early work in AlphaGo (Documentary) to the founding/acquisition of Google DeepMind to the revolutionary founding of AlphaFold (a program that depicts protein structures), Demis has continued to push the boundaries of artificial general intelligence to compliment human discoveries. Key ideas to look forward to from Google DeepMind, AlphaFold, and his work: Greater emphasis of Responsible AI (safety and ethics) – although AI has the potential to accelerate discovery, it has just as much (or more) potential to be misused. The new era of “Digital Biology” – Google DeepMind has tapped into Isomorphic Labs to build on the proof of concepts of AlphaFold and reimagine drug discovery. The AlphaFold models are being replicated to create impact in areas of neglected diseases, plastic pollution, and structural biology. AlphaFold 3 is on the horizon. In response to the evolving nature of AI and life sciences, Demis emphasized that “we shouldn’t go fast and break things.”
  • Jimmy Lin, Professor, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. Expert on AI and LLM
  • Mohammad Mundami, Vice President – Data Science and Advanced Analytics at Unity Health Toronto, for AI
  • Eric Sutherland, Senior Health Economist, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  • Anil Arora , Chief Statistician of Canada
  • Mary-Jane Dykeman, Managing Partner at INQ Law. Focused on data governance
  • Alyssa Lefaivre Škopac, Director of Partnerships and Market Development, Responsible AI Institute
  • Josephine Yam – CEO & Co-Founder, Privacy & AI Lawyer, and AI Ethicist, Skills4Good AI


  • Interoperability Roadmap one year later; showcase accomplishments, experiences and perspectives from jurisdictions since the roadmap was launched at e-Health 2023
  • Dr. Ewen Effleck, Hospitalist, Northwest Territories Health & Social Services Authority + Advisory Group – pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy, Public Health Agency of Canada + Senior Medical Advisor – Health Informatics, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (NWT, AB): Advancing Interoperability, publishing the first framework around human interoperability and harm caused by data. Data that isn’t shared/accessible causes harm at the human, individual, and population levels


  • Dr. Mohamed Alarakhia, Chief Executive Officer, eHealth Centre of Excellence is an amazing speaker with significant insight
  • Jennifer Zelmer, President and CEO at Healthcare Excellence Canada
  • Dr. Heather Ross, Head, Division of Cardiology at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at UHN and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Commercializing digital health out of post secondary institutions
  • Philip Edgcumbe, UBC Radiology Resident (MD, PhD) and Co-Founder of COSMIC Medical


  • CAN Health Network, Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO®), and other regional supporters of innovation as they support with commercialization and adoption of Canadian tech within the Canadian Healthcare system
  • Anne Snowden, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Odette School of Business, University of Windsor. Serving as the Scientific Director & CEO of SCAN Health and Chief Scientific Research Officer at HIMSS. Quantifying the impact of digitization
  • Benjamin Mark Rolnik, Director of Stanford’s Healthcare Innovation Lab, USA


  • Farah Alibay, Canadian aerospace engineer at NASA exploring space with robots. AI and space travel as it relates to healthcare
  • Avis Favaro, Veteran CTV News broadcast journalist and one of the longest-serving health journalists in Canada, having started the beat at Global Television News in the 1980s. Over the past 3 decades, she has reported on emerging diseases and new therapies. She has deep knowledge of Canada’s health care systems, and her network of connections across the country and passion for telling important stories would make her a great speaker to close off the conference around highlighting the need for data, digital technologies in advancing health care and the public good. Cohosts a number of podcasts around health issues and data for CIHI as well
  • Andre Picard, Health Columnist, The Globe & Mail
  • Rex Murphy, National Post (Jeanie Lacroix)
  • Mark Henick, Nationally syndicated Mental Health Columnist, CBC/Radio-Canada
  • Jeremy Petch, Founder, CREATE (CentRE for dAta science and digiTal hEalth)
  • Ted Scott, Vice President Innovation at Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Michelle Leafloor, Vice President Health Information Technology Services & CIO at Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Tara Coxon, Chief Information Officer at St. Josephs Healthcare Hamilton
  • Dante Morra, Chief of Staff Trillium Health Partners and President THP Solutions

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