e-Health25 Media Partners

Become an e-Health Media Partner

Media Partnership is a marketing exchange program between qualified print and digital media outlets and e-Health. No money is exchanged in the partnership.
In return for advertising in Media Partner printed and digital publications, e-Health provides the following to approved media partners:

  • One conference pass
  • Media partner logo and link on e-healthconference.com website
  • Media Partner logo listed in the conference mobile app, on-site signage, and e-blast communications
  • On-site Media Partner table where partners may display materials during the conference. Media Partners are responsible for materials shipping.
  • An e-Health media partner icon

Media Partners provide some or all the following items (if applicable):

  • Placement of linked web banners on Media Partner website or in e-newsletters
  • Print advertisements in publications
  • Digital online advertisements
  • Publish pre- and/or post-show articles

If you would like to become an e-Health Media Partner, please complete the agreement below. Questions? Please contact communications@e-healthconference.com.

Choose any that apply.
Please include ad specs, word counts, and deadlines for final art.

Contact information

Your logo files

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(.jpg or .png)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(.eps or .ai)

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