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This year, we kick off each day of the conference with a dynamic set of thematic e-poster presentations on virtual care and mental health. Both sessions feature five back-to-back digital presentations that highlight a project or case study that informs on key findings and lessons learned.

Optimizing the Virtual Care Experience

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. EDT

Moderator: Carina Andreatta, St. Joe’s Hamilton

EP1-1 Virtual care: A roadmap for implementation

This project will provide organizations with an implementation toolkit to support high quality, equitable access to virtual specialized care. PRESENTER: Eva Serhal, Senior Director, Virtual Mental Health & Outreach, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

EP1-2 Rural Outreach and Support by e-Health (ROSe)

An innovative, virtual critical care support and teaching platform, ROSe can virtually support community physicians and improve patient outcomes, while optimizing local resources and reducing costs. PRESENTER: Don Burke, SEVAS

EP1-3 Co-creating a pan-Canadian framework for digital health evaluation

A pan-Canadian framework for evaluating the impact of digital health on Quadruple Aims across provinces was developed collaboratively. PRESENTER: Janette Brual, Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health System Solutions & Virtual Care

EP1-4 Virtual care: A design research discovery and strategic futures model

A double diamond strategic futures design study exploring the virtual care experiences of patients and primary care providers. PRESENTER: Melissa Frew, Healthcare Human Factors

EP1-5 Improving Indigenous peoples’ health using digital health technologies

Digital health technologies are bridging the gaps in Indigenous peoples’ access to healthcare, but little is known about their experiences. PRESENTER: Nadia Green, PhD Student, University of Alberta

Digital Supporting Mental Health

Thursday, June 2, 2022
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. EDT

Moderator: Chris Carvalho, Carveira Group

EP2-1 Spotlight on athletes' mental health: How technology can support

2021 put a spotlight on athletes’ mental health. Learn critical success factors for implementing support with technology. PRESENTER: Danielle Dube, Member, Vancouver Canucks Alumni and Health & Wellness Committee

EP2-2 Developing implementation outcomes for a virtual mental health capacity-building program

Proctor’s implementation outcomes were used to evaluate a mental health-focused, capacity-building program. PRESENTER: Cheryl Pereira, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

EP2-3 Data and technology driven mental healthcare: A nursing engagement strategy

A nursing engagement strategy used to facilitate data driven mental healthcare through and with technology. PRESENTER: Gillian Strudwick, Chief Clinical Informatics Officer & Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

EP2-4 Health and long-term care nurses’ technology adoption: A Delphi study

Increased workload, limited training sessions, technology skills to support data integration, and nurses’ work efficiency are key factors. PRESENTER: Hamidreza Kavandi, PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa

EP2-5 The journey towards on-demand mental health service delivery

The implementation of Zoom Phone as a solution to optimize the service delivery of a mental health consultation service. PRESENTER: Mehreen Poonja, Clinical Leader, Office of Virtual Health, Provincial Health Services Authority

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